Rare Godzilla is the first alien kaiju from another planet of the old universe to another planet of the new universe. Rare Godzilla is the first specie known as Gendinosaurus Rex the first Gengosaur that was evolve due to the nuclear missile. This creature was used to be a first attacker of the city, but now then become the hero of the earth. Rare Godzilla is even a tyrannosaur-like kaiju with green spikes, wolf like tail/ stegosaur like tail, two stripes, green belly, green eyes, wolf-like ears, 4 gills and long arms. Rare Godzilla confers to have the green atomic energy in his organs that allow his green spikes and eyes to glow. This Protagonist Monster unleashes the green atomic beam from his mouth. and even unleashes lime rain and golden lightning storm. This Prehistoric Mutant Alien even fights Monsters on Earth, Monsters from other planets and Dragons from the realm. Rare Godzilla even fights facility's abomination creations from the lab. He the Ultima King of the Monsters as well besides the Legendary Godzilla King of the Monsters. Rare Godzilla is the 2nd Evolution of the Gendinosaurus Rex and his name as well is GGDINOSAURS.